Monday, October 28, 2013

Having a baby is not a free pass to be an ass!

Since I had my daughter, people are noticeably more lenient.  They open doors for me more, o get the special parking spot at the mall, restaurant service is faster and nicer.  I have a ready excuse for being late or for refusing invitations.  People expect me to be tired and cranky, and they are ok with my messy house.

I also expect leeway from strangers.  If one of us has to step off the sidewalk, it will be you, not my stroller.  If my baby is crying, I will still pay for my groceries while she disturbs your peace.  Sorry.

And I get the occasional perk which, while not expected, is certainly appreciated.  A lovely tattooed biker let me get in front of him in line at the passport office.  A sweet teenage girl actually threw away a dirty diaper for me as I was juggling my baby and the diaper bag in the ladies room.

These things I'm sure are because of the cuteness of my daughter, and because our society, rightfully, protects yung babies and their mothers.

But if you take advantage of that, it makes you a colossal b*tch.  It really does.
If your baby is crying in a restaurant and you do nothing to soothe them...
If you cut in line in front of others as if it is your God-given right...
If you leave your child's dirty diapers around, or, like that real cow in Vancouver, let them pee on public property...
If you use your stroller as a bulldozer in crowds areas...
If you leverage your baby to an unfair advantage, such as getting a reserved table at a restaurant, or the seat n a plane someone paid for...
If you expect others to cater to your evy whim...
... and pay your way...
Then you are in violation of the social contract, ruining it for other mothers, and we all hate you.

If you have been blessed with a child, then treat that blessing with respect.  Otherwise it will bite you in the butt eventually.  Or at least I hope it will.

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